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Project - MoM/MES

Quality Management, Sampling


Reduce production risks, and guide packaging line operators in operations and sampling management.

Our contribution

Technord analysed different production flows linked to packaging lines to standardise them. As a result, we have installed the SIEMENS SIMATIC EBR solution on more than 12 references/production lines.

We interfaced with the client’s ERP to receive the OFs and calculate the production loads and the laboratory tools (Lims). The tool and our commitment has allowed and still allows us to guide the operators in their actions to reduce risks but also to know when they must retrieve a sample and have it validated by R&D or the laboratory. Once this sample is validated, production can resume.

The benefits

  • Reducing production risks
  • Saves time on sample taking and validation
  • Operator Guidance
  • Process Flow Standardisation
  • ….

Thanks to this installation, Technord has helped clients save 30% in production time and has improved the quality of production.

Client activity

  • Pharmaceutical industry

Technical elements


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