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Project - Agri-food

IoT Project

Find out how our IoT team recently intervened successfully!

Customer Challenge

Champagne producer, our client has kilometers of historic cellars composed of different materials (brick, chalk, concrete). The temperature of some areas being too high, the team of our IoT department has looked into the problem.

Solution proposed by Technord

Technord has implemented an IoT solution:

IoT enables wireless data recovery (LoRaWAN), through the installation of wireless and battery sensors (Italks 1608 LoRaWAN FULL) as well as LoRaWAN antennas/gateways (Multitech MTCDT-IP).

Every hour, the sensor sends a message containing temperature, humidity and pressure measurements. The message is picked up by the antennas/gateways, which transmit it via HTTP(S) to Easysense (IoT platform), where the data is decoded and made available on an MQTT broker.

This information is therefore available in the ESM, where:

  • alarms are generated based on threshold exceedances
  • data is logged for traceability
  • operators can track variations on a map

Customer gain

This solution allows the customer to more accurately identify areas where temperatures vary too much and make the necessary corrections. The data make it possible to contextualize the efficiency of work such as the installation of ventilation shafts to reduce temperature.

The various information collected is also used for the traceability of the product.

Some pictures

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