Safety is an absolute priority at Technord !
Working safely at all times and in all environments constitutes an important part of Technord's added value.
Since 2007, Technord Belgium is VCA certified, and has the highest level for the VCA Petrochemicals 2017/6.0 certification today
In June 2024, the MASE Hauts-de-France steering committee awarded safety certification to our Villeneuve d’Ascq branch (Technord France) for a period of 3 years.
Each year, all staff are evaluated on their objectives and behaviour in relation to safety, and management ensures that the system is working properly.
Basic training is offered to field staff, as well as supervisory operational training for the line of authority, to ensure that all security aspects are included.
The welcome reception specific to the security implementation rules at Technord is a mandatory step when joining the company, whether internally or externally.
“Toolbox meetings” are held monthly with the field management staff. Each member of staff has the opportunity to escalate dangerous situations or good safety behaviour via our S.O.R tool (Safety Observation Report)
All our projects are subject to a risk analysis and, if necessary, the drafting of a PPSS, PPSPS, Prevention Plan or a site opening. Each project has its “worksite monitoring” file containing the technical documents, the plans and all of the safety data sheets necessary for the smooth running of the project (S.O.R., Toolbox meeting, LMRA, diplomas and training certificates for risky tasks). These projects are audited on a monthly basis in terms of safety by the project manager and sometimes by the management and prevention advisers.
All employees who require specific skills (e.g. forklift drivers) are trained by companies approved by the VCA system. The IPAF training, which is internationally recognised, is followed by mobile platform lift operators.
All of our working equipment is identified and inspected either internally or via an external technical inspection service. All of our subcontractors are also VCA certified and are evaluated every 3 years by the SIPP and the purchasing department. If during this evaluation, the subcontractor does not reach the expected score, he/she has three months to regain conformity, otherwise he/she is removed from our pool of subcontractors
Here is the evolution of our frequency and severity rates over the last 5 years.